Two NEW ways to look at GodSide
Upcoming Trips
GodSide Projects |
GodSide now offers individuals a chance to travel worry free. We are now able to have trips that are just for fun for anyone interested.This means we make the arrangements for travel, sight seeing and transportation on a daily basis so you can relax. The best part is you can go by yourself or a group. Our next trip will be to Kenya! Coming up soon January 2020.
Find out more here! Come Experience Kenya With Us! Total Budget for the Second Phase of the School Building
$15,000.00 |
Godside is a non-profit organization located in Denver, Colorado. We are dedicated to helping at risk individuals develop life skills and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Since 1997 our goal has been to reach lives that are the most at risk for being unwanted and unsure of their purpose. Motivation, support and life skills are developed through working with GodSide.
Godside has taken on multiple projects the past 10 years and had the chance to involve any individual within these projects. The projects help people see a world outside of themselves and focus on God. We have seen a lot of change and amazing work and expect even more in the future! Just Wanted to say thank you for your support!! in 2019 For the Youth camp and Soccer project in Costa Rica!!! |